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Grensgeval in collaboration with Aifoon


After the successful family shows Plock! and murmur, KORROL is the final part of a triptych about art and creation.


In KORROL an acrobatic architect composes space with kilos of concrete. Jakob builds towers, the towers change into a city, a deserted plain, a person. But every time he tries to lay the last stone, his work appears unfinished. Jakob balances precariously on wobbly towers, jumps on his hands from stone to stone. But no matter what he tries: everything remains so stiff and still. Until he puts on the concrete: turning on leaden shoes he orchestrates a small ballet, in a duet with a massive ball he skims past his audience. He (re)builds his entire body. Even when he almost collapses under the weight, Jakob just finds the freedom for a duet between toe and little finger. In a world of travelling and tangible sound he rebuilds the world together with the audience.

Result: a vibrant new circus sound theatre where the audience is right in the middle. With drumming blocks, a petrified acrobat and dancing concrete.


Duration: 50 minutes

Age: 4




Concept and direction: Hanne Vandersteene and Mahlu Mertens

Design: Architect Lode De Smet Van Damme

Game: Jakob Lohmann

Sound concept: Stijn Dickel (Aifoon vzw)

Lighting design: Geert Vanoorlé

Dramaturgy: Mieke Versyp

Costume design: JanaRoos

Techni: Bram Waelkens

Production and tour management: Simon Monbaliu


With the support of


Aifoon vzw


Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof


CirquEvolution (Fr)

De Grote Post

De Vlaamse overheid

Festival Spring (Fr)

Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf (Fr)




Rotondes Luxembourg

Sabam for Culture

Stad Gent

De Tax Shelter

Trailer KORROL
KORROL foto's


Circusmagazine #61 Een dansante symfonie voor Ć©Ć©n acrobaat, twee speakers, een tiental geluidsdoosjes en 100 bijzondere rugzakken: ā€˜Murmurā€™ zoekt de grens op tussen acrobatie en geluid. De nieuwe kleutervoorstelling van Grensgeval is een artistiek waagstuk dat even spannend voor kinderen als voor volwassenen is. En dat is waar het Hanne Vandersteene en Mahlu Mertens om te doen is: ā€œWe willen geen voorstelling maken waarvan volwassenen zeggen: ā€˜Oh, zo leuk voor mijn kind!ā€™ Het moet ook hen fascineren.ā€

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