About Us
The artistic core of Grensgeval consists of Hanne Vandersteene en Mahlu Mertens. They both studied at the theater academy of Maastricht. Hanne deepened her knowledge at KASK and Mahlu is conducting postgraduate research on youth theatre at UAntwerp and published the poetry collection Ik tape je een bed (2019).
They are working on an idiosyncratic and recognizable body of work that mixes circus with other art forms and injects it with a dose of anarchy, poetry and punk. On stage they build a world in which the audience is in the middle and and at times even plays an active part.
Grensgeval stands for artistic and meaningful performances that nevertheless remain widely accessible through their physical, sensory and visual language. The performances therefore reach a diverse audience, both in age and in (cultural) background, at home and abroad. Grensgeval has performed in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Finland, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Ireland, England, Scotland, Austria, Denmark, Norway and China.
For whom
Our performances are for everyone ages 4 and up. In other words, we make sure they appeal to preschoolers, their older siblings, as well as parents or guardians. As they contain hardly any spoken language, having a different mother tongue is not an obstacle. In addition, we appeal to the imagination through sound, touch, taste and/or smell. This also makes our performances particularly suitable as “relaxed performances” (*accessible performances for different people with different needs. A performance suitable for people who need a more relaxed environment to go to the theater. Usually children or young adults with learning disabilities, with autism or sensory communication disorders).
© Michiel Devijver